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What is Stem Cell Therapy Used For?

Stem cell therapy is a non-surgical injectable treatment option for foot and ankle that is commonly used to address arthritis, damage from tendons and ligaments, overuse of the joints, and other injuries. Various areas of the foot and ankle respond very well to stem cell therapy, and it has proven excellent for pain and injury. 

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Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy

Before stem cell therapy, there was no alternative to regenerate the cartilage in the foot and ankle. But now stem cell therapy has proven to stimulate growth and health of the foot and ankle cartilage. 

  • A low-risk, non-invasive solution
  • All natural and comes from the patient’s own body
  • Stem cells alleviate the need for surgery for 5-7 years in some patients
  • Stem cell therapy success has proven to be 90% or greater for injuries of the soft tissues, ligaments, and tendons 
  • An effective option for lingering and debilitating injuries
  • Stem cell therapy speeds up recovery, reduces pain, and restores function more quickly than conservative treatment

Common Conditions Treated with Stem Cell Therapy

  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Arthritis 
  • Posterior tibial tendonitis
  • Peroneal tendonitis 
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Injection Therapy FAQs: 

What is regenerative medicine?

What exactly are stem cells?

What is stem cell therapy?

Do I need stem cell therapy or PRP therapy?

Where do the stem cells come from?

What is regenerative medicine?

Regenerative medicine regrows, repairs, or replaces damaged or diseased cells, organs, and tissues.

What exactly are stem cells?

Stem cells are a specific type of cell found within the body from which specialty cells arrive. Stem cells include ligament, tendon, bone, cartilage, muscle cells, brain cells, and more.

What is stem cell therapy?

Stem cell therapy utilizes stem cells to restore dysfunctional or injured tissue.

Do I need stem cell therapy or PRP therapy?

Some patients need platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections only, while others require injections that are slightly more aggressive (stem cell therapy). During your consultation with us, we will determine which is better for you — stem cell therapy or PRP therapy.

Where do the stem cells come from?

The stem cells are obtained from a patient’s own bone marrow or blood.

What is Involved with Treatment?

For stem cell therapy, local anesthetic can be used. Your doctor will take the stem cells from the lower back or stomach; bone marrow is typically taken from the back part of the hip. Once the stem cells have been taken, they will be processed and injected into the treatment area, where they will divide and help build up new tissue. The procedure takes approximately four hours.

Is Stem Cell Therapy Right for You?

If you answer “yes” to the following, stem cell therapy may be right for you.

  • You are frustrated by pain in your foot and ankle
  • Medications and physical therapy are not helping
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Why Choose Foot & Ankle Specialty Group?

Dr. Salma Aziz, D.P.M, M.S. has built her reputation on time-tested practices, spending plenty of time with her patients in order to develop the ideal treatment plan for their unique needs. When she founded Foot & Ankle Specialty Group in 2001, she wanted to establish a clinic where athletes, active people, families, and individuals could arrive with foot and ankle issues and begin a journey to get them back on their feet. Now with Dr. Petrina Yokay and Dr. Jessica Arneson, Foot & Ankle Specialty Group is a professional and nurturing female surgeon group of foot and ankle specialists offering in-office treatments as well as surgical procedures for patients of all kinds. 

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